YOUR STORY - for the Class of 1966 Memory Book
Please complete your information for inclusion in the Memory Book!
(Submit info by October 1st to be included in the book).
Name in 1966: Current Name:
Address: Address 2:
City: State: Zip Code:
Email Address: Repeat Email Address:
Phone: Mobile Phone:
Please tell about your life. Include occupation(s), special people, interests, places, and events.
Please limit your story/s so that all content will fit on one 8.5" x 11" printed pages. We appreciate it!
Please share one or two memories about Minnechaug or a teacher.
What is on your bucket list?
Please submit a current photo of yourself plus a photo of something you love!
Click here
to attach and submit by email.
Privacy Pledge - We never sell, rent, or share your personal information with anyone. All information provided is sent secure, and will be kept absolutely private. We only collect the information we need for the Minnechaug Regional 50th Class Reunion. You can always choose not to provide it.
How many
classmates jumped
out of perfectly good airplanes?”

Which red headed
lady changed a dryer belt by watching a You Tube video?
Which Falcon editor wrote books on study skills that now sell on Amazon for a penny?
Who successfully
jumped a 4 ft. straight-rail equestrian jump… leaving her horse behind?
Who rescued a Shih Tzu after 5 years of continual pregnancy in a puppy breeding cage?
Click the year to download a yearbook pdf:
** 1963 : 1964 : 1965 : 1966 **
Mr. Spencer's Gift to our class - his Book of Poetry
Registration Contact: Judy Duncan Flood
Click here to Register for the
Class of 1966 50th Minnechaug Class Reunion
Email Judy for questions.
Minnechaug's new entrance: off Tinkham Road email:
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