50th Class Reunion Registration November 11-13, 2016
You’re coming? Awesome!!!
This is going to be an amazing weekend… Please complete your registration and event selection below.
(If you need help registering, please email us.)
NOTE: Payment for the Reunion Dinner at The Country Club of Wilbraham must be completed by October 15th!
Registration Form
Name: Partner's Name:
Address: Address 2:
City: State: Zip Code:
Email Address: Repeat Email Address:
Phone: Mobile Phone:
Reunion Attendance (registration and payment must be received by October 15th)
Choose the Events You / Partner would like to attend.
Friday Night Meet & Mingle - Classmate: Partner : $10 at door, cash bar
Breakfast @ Rice Fruit Farm - Classmate: Partner : meet at school flag pole or gather at the farm
Minnechaug Tour & Events - Classmate: Partner :
Lunch @ Wilbraham Village Store Cafe - Classmate: Partner : (walk or drive)
Reunion Cocktails & Dinner - Classmate: Partner : Classmate: $55 Partner: $45 (dinner included/cash bar)
Sunday AM Breakfast - Classmate: Partner : $10.95 - pay at the restaurant, cash or credit card
Choose 'submit' to complete the registration form and continue to the payment processing page.
Click here for more details about the registering for the reunion.
For those who wish to pay by check, please 'submit' the online form and mail your check to Judy (Duncan) Flood :
made payable to: Dr. Judy Flood
Address: 2543 Mission Hills Court, Annapolis, MD 21401
You do not need to fill out the payment processing form.
Email Judy for questions.
Privacy Pledge - We never sell, rent, or share your personal information with anyone. All information provided is sent secure, and will be kept absolutely private. We only collect the information we need for the Minnechaug Regional 50th Class Reunion. You can always choose not to provide it.
Donna Alberici O'Connor & husband
Barbara Barna Dautrich
Doug Beach
Bill Biskup & husband
Barbara Brown Lazur & sister
Linda Bump Hostettler & husband
John Burnett & partner
Byron Candage & wife
Richard Chase
Steve Clark & partner
Ronald Cloutier
Jennifer Collins Labarre & partner
Peter Conlon & wife
Bill Cox
John Danforth & wife
Janet Dearborn
Judy Duncan Flood & husband
Rick Duncan
Tom Ensign & wife
Donna Erb Gross & husband
Ruth Fairbanks Wentzell
Bradley Fish & partner
Christine Fraser Bergquist & husband
Jane Godfrey White & husband
Evelyn Goss
Candace Gottsche Aragon
Ann Gurney Tousignant & husband
Kellis Hazeltine Colao & husband
Rev James Hurd
Diane Jeffers Rossiter
Margie Johndrow Bergeron & friend
Cynthia Johnson Garland
Gary Johnson
Mauri Korhonen
John LaValley Black
Steven Luzi
John Peter Madeira & wife
Gary McCauley & wife
Which woman is a paragliding pilot?
Who successfully fought Wal-Mart’s construction twice?
Who lives on a boat off Newport, Rhode Island
in the summer?
Who cultivates
public gardens in
East Hartford?
Who retired as a
Major after 22 years
in the National Guard?
Kathy Misiaszek ONeill
Robert Montgomery
Holly Moore Maudsley
Steven Oaks & guest
Bob Olmstead & wife
Mike Opalinski
Ray Paulk & wife
Anne Peterson
Larry Plate
Chris Randall
Nancy G. Richter Norcross
Alan Righi & wife
Scott Rollins & wife
John Ryan
Hazel Serdarian Rains
John Shaughnessy
Claudia Smith Robillard
Susan Squire Noble & partner
Daniel Sullivan & wife
Susan Sullivan
Elizabeth Ann Sweeney
Noel Theberge Luzi
Ron Thomson & wife
Russ Tippett & wife
John Tousignant & wife
Esther Wahlberg Taylor
Elaine Worthing
Jeff Wooster
Registration Contact: Judy Duncan Flood
Click here to Register for the
Class of 1966 50th Minnechaug Class Reunion
Email Judy for questions.
Minnechaug's new entrance: off Tinkham Road
http://minnechaug66.thedesignpro.com email: minnechaug@thedesignpro.com
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